
March 2023-May 2023



The Impact of Censored Violence

[2023-05-19 Fri 21:09]

This section was labeled under, or is related to Modus Vivendi

For some reason the media refuse to show people any content that could be considered as ’violent’ accordingly to their policies Sometimes it’s kept for a very short period of time, to inform forces if possible. . You never see someone gets crucial physical hurt in media. Never. I believe this has a critical bad effect on people who are not instituting a view of the world out of what they are being indoctrinated in the media, and this false view of the world (that’s free of unthinkable incidents) tends to make them blunder badly in such situations. I’ve personally seen some of the examples of the accidents that media won’t cover, both IRL and on some obscure websites; in both I’ve noticed that most people are being shocked and freezed rather than leery and careful. They freeze in surprise instead of trying to move quickly, take action and save what could be saved. Being shocked in such a situation shouldn’t be strange, however getting hysterically freezed is. The reason of this common freeze is the fragile state of mind of these people that media have instituted (review Liquid Modernity for further reading on this point), they never imagined or even thought of such a thing to happen in their view of the world; this deep shock which is reflected in their freeze is a manifestation of the collapse of their awareness.

All Life is Problem Solving

[2023-05-03 Wed 13:42]

This section was labeled under, or is related to Modus Vivendi and Chess

Chess opening explorer and repertoire builder. An idea that I’ve got to believe in recently, is the fact that our lives are not impacted by anything more than our own choices. This would either sound very trivial or inaccurate for some of you. The ones who would think of it as a trivial assertion probably have not considered the possibility of being stuck at uncontrollable circumstances, like being killed by an earthquake or whatever; your choices have noth there is a lot of subjectivity when it comes to telling what is uncontrollable to us; for example, one could have made the choice to ensure his invulnerability against such a disaster. I’ve been disagreed with a lot when it comes to choices, people always mention ’feasibilities’, but I think of it as extra choices to be put right, which indeed adds more ’complexity’ when we see it in our view; however when you look at it more abstractively; it’s nothing but a tree of choices, just like the one in the linked tree. Going off of from these cutting edges, the ’peak of choices’ applies to our lives (these which for the most don’t get affected by uncontrollable sequnces) as a matter of fact. Are you going to spend the next couple of hours watching useless dopamine dumps on Youtube or browising some hard science papers raising p your knowledge, purity and sublimity? It’s your choice.

About ’Book Communities’

[2023-03-26 Sun 09:45]

This section was labeled under, or is related to Modus Vivendi

ولو كانت الكُتُب تُلتقى بصفتِها كُتباً، لا بصفتِها غرائز ورغبات، لتغيّر الاقتصاد السياسي للكتُب كُليّة. والكُتبُ تخلق أثرَها ليس بما فيها، بل بالرّغبات التي تخلُقُ بوالرّغبات التي تُلصَقُ بها.

— عباس ابراهام.

I find the ’books community’ (wherever it is, goodreads or some social network groups) to be one of the most asinine and silly ideas I have ever seen. Books are about ideas, not about books themselves. Who do you think might be responsible for that reducing of books into mere objects fixated upon themselves rather than their profound ideas? Those who were too indolent to comprehend the rudimentary fundamentals of them. “books did not work for me,” says some dropout from a preparatory school or whatever, they saw books merely as inanimate objects that contained some inconsequential material. This is the essence of the term ’bookworm,’ a decent description by an individual who was unable to grasp someone else’s discipline (some philosophical idea, mathematical branch, physic, or anything) that happened to be written in a collection of papers (book) and, therefore, reduced it to a level they could comprehend - that being books, not ideas on them. The reasons underlying the formation of these communities are purely pseudointellectuality. Books are not about books. It is the ideas contained therein that possess significance, not the books themselves. If those ideas were introduced somewhere else that have more features than the print text format, no one would read books.

There are (mostly) no special days

[2023-03-22 Wed 10:33]

This section was labeled under, or is related to Modus Vivendi

Days and events hold no inherent specialty, for they are but mere markers of time. Their occurrence brings no inherent alteration, nor do they impact any change. On the morrow, Ramadan shall commence and, as is the custom, many shall choose to amend their ways. Some will stop listening to music, others shall stop mistreating themselves, and the like. Though I find the overall notion commendable, the idea of it being a limited-time resolution does not sit well with me. I have encountered those who abstain from music only during Ramadan, and this perplexes me. They either normalize their misdeeds in their subconscious or are foolish enough to believe that their actions during Ramadan are different from the rest of the year. I suspect it to be the former, for it is a curious thought that they accept their wrongdoing as acceptable for most of the year but not during Ramadan. Do they desist from theft and other unethical behavior solely during Ramadan? This is questionable. If you believe that certain things are bad, why you are not trying to apply yourself to them? Especially that it’s pretty possible through 30 days, or you are not looking for virtues out of resolutions?



Sometimes it’s kept for a very short period of time, to inform forces if possible.


Going off of from these cutting edges, the ’peak of choices’ applies to our lives (these which for the most don’t get affected by uncontrollable sequnces) as a matter of fact. Are you going to spend the next couple of hours watching useless dopamine dumps on Youtube or browising some hard science papers raising p your knowledge, purity and sublimity? It’s your choice.

I seek refuge in God, from Satan the rejected. Generated by: Emacs 31.0.50 (Org mode 9.7.19). Written by: Salih Muhammed, by the date of: 2023-03-01 Wed 00:00. Last build date: 2025-01-07 Tue 16:37.