
Where to get news?

And why this blog does not provide RSS/Atom feeds or notification updates?

Why this site does not provide RSS/Atom feeds or notification updates?

Because it should not, and if you care about such a thing like ’being notified’ about each new entry so you can make sure that you will never miss a beat to consume the wisdom, fun, tech stuff or whatever you believe this blog to provide you with, that you want to make the best of each entry here, then those entries aren’t probably written for you.

There are two main reasons for that, the first one is that I wrote this blog with intention, as Nietzsche describes: (and I quote this a lot, it’s one of my favorite preachings of his):

A DIGRESSION.—[..] This is not intended to be read through at once, or to be read aloud. It is intended more particularly for reference, especially on our walks and travels: we must take it up and put it down again after a short reading, and, more especially, we ought not to be amongst our usual surroundings. Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Dawn of Day, Translated by John McFarland Kennedy, The Macmillan Company. , p. 288.

توقفٌ- هذا لم يكتب ليقرأ من البداية للنهاية بسرعة، ولا أن يقرأ بصوتٍ مسموع؛ على القارئ أن يفتحه أغلب الوقت، خاصة وهو يتفسح أو وهو مسافر؛ يجب أن يستطيع الغوص إلى أعماقه، ثم ينظر حوله فلا يرى شيئًا مألوفًا.

Most importantly; I do see an issue in looking forward for the consumption of content, such willingness is not regular for poise and self-realization. This place should never be a place of interest for anyone to visit and check regularly, so few places deserves to be as so.

Where to get updates?

(like general news or social media updates)

Part of a series on Propaganda

For the digitally youngers of you who weren’t there in the era of google reader and the assumptive dependency of RSS XML feed readers; you can check this page to learn more about it. Basically it was none-bullshit way to get feed updates: instead of reloading the BBC homepage every 10 minutes to check for news, you simply follow the XML feeds that they provide with a proper reader.

Why people stopped doing this? It is not clear to be frank. But I anticipate that this is related to Google killing Google Reader; obviously many normies (majority of Google users) assumed that it means that there is no RSS anymore. Nonetheless, I think that it has to do much with social media platforms, since you can just follow the BBC page by hitting a button, and get the news feed mixed with your friends edgy internet posts.

However, this led to a bigger problem. Bigger than what? Well, there is a main problem, you see; the BBC is just a mean of propaganda, if you would depend on such a resource, you have already committed your first blunder Learn more. Read: Media Control (Chomsky), The Propaganda Model Today, Propaganda and the Public Mind (Chomsky) ; although back then people used to have multiple RSS provider (let’s say AP and BBC).

The thing with RSS/Atom feeds, is that it can’t be centralized, controlled, filtered because it’s a very basic and minimal technology, it’s up to your feed reader to do all of this (if it would, and even in the case of Google Reader, a corporate-based reader, it wouldn’t). The reader is the only centralized piece in this pipeline and it can’t be controlled Of course the feed providers could be controlled instead. .

What people went to, on the other hand, is using not just a centralized; but a mind-washing-based, correctness-oriented mind-engineering platforms to sort, choose, recommend the news feeds for them (so you get yourselfs some extra filters).

Using this method establish a new set of means of mind controlling (beyond that one that excited before). I’m taking an advantage of the fact that most readers of this blog know already about the incident that exposed how social media platforms are used to manipulate the public’s mind Aug 2023, I don’t really remmeber what I was talking about here. .

So, what to do about that? Thankfully most of websites and news providers still have XML entries (even if they don’t use/know about it, for instance, all wordpress sites generate rss routes automatically), you can just pick a proper RSS/Atom reader and use it.

Remember, whoever controls the media controls your minds;

“Propaganda is major component in all power systems, both secular and religious; false propaganda is a major component of unprincipled power systems. All power systems endeavor to convince their subjects that the system is good, just, beneficent and noble, as well as worthy of perpetuation and defense. The more jingoistic propaganda issued, the more suspicious one should be of its truth.”

Of course, the way that social media choose you feeds (and sort them) is not always about what the juice lobby paid them to do for them, the but most of the time it is profit-oriented, which can be either unhealthy (in some hows) or unuseful as expected (like not getting the educative feeds that you are waiting for from some video creator, instead you get consumable content of trendy/sexualized content Here we can feel the advantage of a neutral feed reader. ). For most people, getting weaned from social media addiction and basically removing these malware from your life can be more effective.

Highly recommended further reading

  • Crystallizing Public Opinion
  • Manufacturing Consent (Chomsky)
  • Understanding Power (Chomsky)
  • Selling Apartheid (Nixon)



Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Dawn of Day, Translated by John McFarland Kennedy, The Macmillan Company. , p. 288.


Learn more. Read: Media Control (Chomsky), The Propaganda Model Today, Propaganda and the Public Mind (Chomsky)


Of course the feed providers could be controlled instead.


Aug 2023, I don’t really remmeber what I was talking about here.


Here we can feel the advantage of a neutral feed reader.

I seek refuge in God, from Satan the rejected. Generated by: Emacs 31.0.50 (Org mode 9.7.19). Written by: Salih Muhammed, by the date of: 2022-01-19 Wed 01:20. Last build date: 2025-01-07 Tue 16:37.