
“Literally me”

This section was labeled under, or is related to Modus Vivendi

“He is literally me.” Says someone who is stuck in an internet bandwagon.

I always see a pattern in the “literally me” internet bandwagon users, it always reveals their true nature as mere mimics. They see themselves reflected in these characters and believe they possess the same qualities of strength and power. But in reality, they are nothing more than weak and conformist individuals, unable to create their own identity and instead choosing to adopt the facade of a fictional character.

It is the mark of the mediocre mind to be content with mimicry, to find solace in the illusions of power and grandeur projected by the media. True strength and individuality can only be achieved by those who are willing to break free from the shackles of societal norms and forge their own path.

I seek refuge in God, from Satan the rejected. Generated by: Emacs 31.0.50 (Org mode 9.7.19). Written by: Salih Muhammed, by the date of: 2023-01-28 Sat 09:45. Last build date: 2025-01-07 Tue 16:37.