
“Connection” and “Meant-To-Be”

2 concepts that seem really nice and agreeable, but I find are psychically terrible, are “connection” and “meant-to-be”.

My issue with the concept of connection is that it requires equally the notion of disconnection, which I find logically leads to mass-extinction-production as suicide-bomber-ideology. The idea we are disconnected - which is different from the perspective that we are alienated (with connection/disconnection being a mode of alienation) - and must acquire connection, religious or spiritual or technological, I find to be a psychic trap, like a hamster wheel that never goes anywhere. The destruction of connection-disconnection is the eco-egoism of finding the oneness of individuality as the oneness of the world - which is why connectivity thought is so disastrous for environmental thought, which is embracing ever more the connectivity-techno-logic of alienation.

My issue with the idea of meant-to-be is primarily that the notion insists upon there being a right way for the world to be and a wrong way for the world to be. This first of all takes a Gods-eye-view upon the world and assumes a level of gnostic-awareness that I don’t believe anyone can authentically actually hold, from the perspective of the stupid earth level badger I am. This also constructs the duality of right and wrong, with people constantly bickering over which is which. My perspective is that the world is neither right nor wrong, but just is - as is my desires regarding the world, with my desire being part of the world, and it being my responsibility to actualise my desires. My feeling is that if individuals sympathetic to environmental thought were to talk in terms of desire (in other words, honestly/sincerely) they might be heard more - the statement “the badger cull is wrong” requires epistemological justification, whereas “I don’t want to see badgers abused” doesn’t, as experience is immediate.

I personally encounter the world as more beautiful when I destroy these (human, all too human) concepts for myself!

I seek refuge in God, from Satan the rejected. Generated by: Emacs 31.0.50 (Org mode 9.7.19). Written by: Salih Muhammed, by the date of: 2021-05-22 Sat 06:17. Last build date: 2025-01-07 Tue 16:37.