
Effective Go: A Conclusion

Part of a series on The Go Programming Language

Reading the effective Go document.

So I’m currently reading the effective Go docs (as html, as pdf).

Years ago when I was learning C, I remember reading something similar, it was by google as well. And I think they used to name it ’effective’ too. It was hosted on github pages by Google and was advocated as the “google-style guidelines”. Moreover, it had the same problem that I’m facing with effective-go right now: there are many things that have nothing to do with the go programming language itself, but a general guidelines that you should probably have learned during the design principles class. I decided to filter out those irrelevant tips and dissert a consultations, a recapitulation. So it might help someone.

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Names are as important in Go as in any other language. They even have semantic effect: the visibility of a name outside a package is determined by whether its first character is upper case. It’s therefore worth spending a little time talking about naming conventions in Go programs.


package in src/pkg/encoding/base64 is imported as “encoding/base64” but has name base64, not encoding_base64 and not encodingBase64. The importer of a package will use the name to refer to its contents (the import . notation is


Go doesn’t provide automatic support for getters and setters. There’s nothing wrong with providing getters and setters yourself, and it’s often appropriate to do so, but it’s neither idiomatic nor necessary to put Get into the getter’s name. If you have a field called owner (lower case, unexported), the getter method should be called Owner (upper case, exported), not GetOwner. The use of upper-case names for export provides the hook to discriminate the field from the method. A setter function, if needed, will likely be called SetOwner. Both names read well in practice:

owner := obj.Owner()
if owner != user {

Interface (single-method)

By convention, one-method interfaces are named by the method name plus an -er suffix or similar modification to construct an agent noun: Reader, Writer, Formatter, CloseNotifier etc.

There are a number of such names and it’s productive to honor them and the function names they capture. Read, Write, Close, Flush, String and so on have canonical signatures and meanings. To avoid confusion, don’t give your method one of those names unless it has the same signature and meaning. Conversely, if your type implements a method with the same meaning as a method on a well-known type, give it the same name and signature; call your string-converter method String not ToString.


Finally, the convention in Go is to use MixedCaps or mixedCaps rather than underscores to write multiword names.


“Doc comments” are comments that appear immediately before top-level package, const, func, type, and var declarations with no intervening newlines. Every exported (capitalized) name should have a doc comment.

For syntax, read:

Inside packages

Every package should have a package comment introducing the package. It provides information relevant to the package as a whole and generally sets expectations for the package. Especially in large packages, it can be helpful for the package comment to give a brief overview of the most important parts of the API, linking to other doc comments as needed.

If the package is simple, the package comment can be brief. For example:

// Package path implements utility routines for manipulating slash-separated
// paths.
// The path package should only be used for paths separated by forward
// slashes, such as the paths in URLs. This package does not deal with
// Windows paths with drive letters or backslashes; to manipulate
// operating system paths, use the [path/filepath] package.
package path

KILL Commands


A type’s doc comment should explain what each instance of that type represents or provides. If the API is simple, the doc comment can be quite short. For example:

package zip

// A Reader serves content from a ZIP archive.
type Reader struct {

By default, programmers should expect that a type is safe for use only by a single goroutine at a time. If a type provides stronger guarantees, the doc comment should state them. For example:

package regexp

// Regexp is the representation of a compiled regular expression.
// A Regexp is safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines,
// except for configuration methods, such as Longest.
type Regexp struct {

For a struct with exported fields, either the doc comment or per-field comments should explain the meaning of each exported field. For example, this type’s doc comment explains the fields:

 package io

// A LimitedReader reads from R but limits the amount of
// data returned to just N bytes. Each call to Read
// updates N to reflect the new amount remaining.
// Read returns EOF when N <= 0.
type LimitedReader struct {
    R   Reader // underlying reader
    N   int64  // max bytes remaining

As with packages (above) and funcs (below), doc comments for types start with complete sentences naming the declared symbol. An explicit subject often makes the wording clearer, and it makes the text easier to search, whether on a web page or a command line.


A func’s doc comment should explain what the function returns or, for functions called for side effects, what it does. Named arguments or results can be referred to directly in the comment, without any special syntax like backquotes. (A consequence of this convention is that names like a, which might be mistaken for ordinary words, are typically avoided.) For example:

 package strconv

// Quote returns a double-quoted Go string literal representing s.
// The returned string uses Go escape sequences (\t, \n, \xFF, \u0100)
// for control characters and non-printable characters as defined by IsPrint.
func Quote(s string) string {


Go’s declaration syntax allows grouping of declarations, in which case a single doc comment can introduce a group of related constants, with individual constants only documented by short end-of-line comments. For example:

// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character.
const (
    EOF = -(iota + 1)

Sometimes the group needs no doc comment at all. For example:

 package unicode // import "unicode"

const (
    MaxRune         = '\U0010FFFF' // maximum valid Unicode code point.
    ReplacementChar = '\uFFFD'     // represents invalid code points.
    MaxASCII        = '\u007F'     // maximum ASCII value.
    MaxLatin1       = '\u00FF'     // maximum Latin-1 value.

On the other hand, ungrouped constants typically warrant a full doc comment starting with a complete sentence. For example:

 package unicode

// Version is the Unicode edition from which the tables are derived.
const Version = "13.0.0"


CHECK Errors

Error Strings

Error strings should not be capitalized (unless beginning with proper nouns or acronyms) or end with punctuation, since they are usually printed following other context. That is, use fmt.Errorf("something bad") not fmt.Errorf("Something bad"), so that log.Printf("Reading %s: %v", filename, err) formats without a spurious capital letter mid-message. This does not apply to logging, which is implicitly line-oriented and not combined inside other messages.



Idiomatic Go programs have semicolons only in places such as for loop clauses, to separate the initializer, condition, and continuation elements. They are also necessary to separate multiple statements on a line, should you write code that way One consequence of the semicolon insertion rules is that you cannot put the opening brace of a control structure ( if, for, switch, or select) on the next line. If you do, a semicolon will be inserted before the brace, which could cause unwanted effects. Write them like this if i < f() { g() } not like this if i < f() // wrong! { // wrong! g() } .

Declaring Variables

  • When declaring —but not initializing— a variable, use the keyword var
  • When declaring and initializing in the same time, use the short declaration form: :=

When declaring an empty slice, prefer

var t []string


t := []string{}

The former declares a nil slice value, while the latter is non-nil but zero-length. They are functionally equivalent—their len and cap are both zero—but the nil slice is the preferred style.

Note that there are limited circumstances where a non-nil but zero-length slice is preferred, such as when encoding JSON objects (a nil slice encodes to null, while []string{} encodes to the JSON array []).

When designing interfaces, avoid making a distinction between a nil slice and a non-nil, zero-length slice, as this can lead to subtle programming errors.


Values of the context.Context type carry security credentials, tracing information, deadlines, and cancellation signals across API and process boundaries. Go programs pass Contexts explicitly along the entire function call chain from incoming RPCs and HTTP requests to outgoing requests.

Most functions that use a Context should accept it as their first parameter:

func F(ctx context.Context, /* other arguments */) {}

A function that is never request-specific may use context.Background(), but err on the side of passing a Context even if you think you don’t need to. The default case is to pass a Context; only use context.Background() directly if you have a good reason why the alternative is a mistake.

Don’t add a Context member to a struct type; instead add a ctx parameter to each method on that type that needs to pass it along. The one exception is for methods whose signature must match an interface in the standard library or in a third party library.

Don’t create custom Context types or use interfaces other than Context in function signatures.

If you have application data to pass around, put it in a parameter, in the receiver, in globals, or, if it truly belongs there, in a Context value.

Contexts are immutable, so it’s fine to pass the same ctx to multiple calls that share the same deadline, cancellation signal, credentials, parent trace, etc.


Do not use package math/rand to generate keys, even throwaway ones. Unseeded, the generator is completely predictable. Seeded with time.Nanoseconds(), there are just a few bits of entropy. Instead, use crypto/rand’s Reader, and if you need text, print to hexadecimal or base64:

import (
    // "encoding/base64"
    // "encoding/hex"

func Key() string {
    buf := make([]byte, 16)
    _, err := rand.Read(buf)
    if err != nil {
        panic(err)  // out of randomness, should never happen
    return fmt.Sprintf("%x", buf)
    // or hex.EncodeToString(buf)
    // or base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(buf)

func main() {

Import Blank

Packages that are imported only for their side effects (using the syntax import _ "pkg") should only be imported in the main package of a program, or in tests that require them.

Named Result Parameters

Consider what it will look like in godoc. Named result parameters like:

func (n *Node) Parent1() (node *Node) {}
func (n *Node) Parent2() (node *Node, err error) {}

will be repetitive in godoc; better to use:

func (n *Node) Parent1() *Node {}
func (n *Node) Parent2() (*Node, error) {}

On the other hand, if a function returns two or three parameters of the same type, or if the meaning of a result isn’t clear from context, adding names may be useful in some contexts. Don’t name result parameters just to avoid declaring a var inside the function; that trades off a minor implementation brevity at the cost of unnecessary API verbosity.

Return Values

  • If the receiver is a map, func or chan, don’t use a pointer to them. If the receiver is a slice and the method doesn’t reslice or reallocate the slice, don’t use a pointer to it.
  • If the method needs to mutate the receiver, the receiver must be a pointer.
  • If the receiver is a struct that contains a sync.Mutex or similar synchronizing field, the receiver must be a pointer to avoid copying.
  • If the receiver is a large struct or array, a pointer receiver is more efficient. How large is large? Assume it’s equivalent to passing all its elements as arguments to the method. If that feels too large, it’s also too large for the receiver.
  • Can function or methods, either concurrently or when called from this method, be mutating the receiver? A value type creates a copy of the receiver when the method is invoked, so outside updates will not be applied to this receiver. If changes must be visible in the original receiver, the receiver must be a pointer.
  • If the receiver is a struct, array or slice and any of its elements is a pointer to something that might be mutating, prefer a pointer receiver, as it will make the intention clearer to the reader.
  • If the receiver is a small array or struct that is naturally a value type (for instance, something like the time.Time type), with no mutable fields and no pointers, or is just a simple basic type such as int or string, a value receiver makes sense. A value receiver can reduce the amount of garbage that can be generated; if a value is passed to a value method, an on-stack copy can be used instead of allocating on the heap. (The compiler tries to be smart about avoiding this allocation, but it can’t always succeed.) Don’t choose a value receiver type for this reason without profiling first.
  • Don’t mix receiver types. Choose either pointers or struct types for all available methods.
  • Finally, when in doubt, use a pointer receiver.

KILL Interfaces

Go interfaces generally belong in the package that uses values of the interface type, not the package that implements those values. The implementing package should return concrete (usually pointer or struct) types: that way, new methods can be added to implementations without requiring extensive refactoring.



One consequence of the semicolon insertion rules is that you cannot put the opening brace of a control structure ( if, for, switch, or select) on the next line. If you do, a semicolon will be inserted before the brace, which could cause unwanted effects. Write them like this

if i < f() {

not like this

if i < f()  // wrong!
{           // wrong!

I seek refuge in God, from Satan the rejected. Generated by: Emacs 31.0.50 (Org mode 9.7.11). Written by: Salih Muhammed, by the date of: 2022-09-20 Tue 03:20. Last build date: 2024-07-04 Thu 21:55.