
Computers Are No Longer Used

This section was labeled under, or is related to Modus Vivendi.

My radical thoughts on how computing should be done.

I believe that most people are suffering from computing illiteracy, this, however, was not the case through the history of computing.

The main reason for that is the way that things are introduced to modern computer users, like mobile phone users. It’s so limited, in FOSS conferences these kinds of software are notorious of using their users, not the other way around. If we are to get back in time and tell some computer user in the 90s that people are going to pay for getting machines that will execute uncharted instructions, they would be surprised just as telling a Jew in the 40s that people are going to pay to visit Auschwitz.

So what did happen? People were misled to believe that they are having the same computing quality in much less learning curve, which was a lie. A lie that has proven itself to be very useful for corporates whose interests are being reinforced by the ignorance of users. Proprietary software serves a good example for that, people now run their life totally on someone’s else machine, providing it with all information not only about themselves but the closest people to them as well.

The misconduct that software companies perform is another example too, let’s take the Windows 11 upgrade as an example; please pay us $130 for the new version which will ask you to pay a higher-resources machine, which also we are going to use to track everything we can about you, selling information about you as much as we can, bloating your experience with ads everywhere and we will provide you with one of the worst malfunction software to use that barely work (sorry we can’t afford fixing it because of legacy support) compiled on the most unnecessarily complicated operating system ever to existed.

At some point of history, that in which people who experienced old computers interfaces and new one, there was that sector of people who knew what was really going on and how this new method of computing is engineered to use people, not computers. However, after this kind dominated, it’s now the default way of doing computing.

The way things were always required people to understand what is going on in their machine, yes, it required sophisticated understanding and it was time-consuming for some, but how did it yield? Users understood computer very well and their computing experience was way much better than mostly any average modern computer user.

Here are some tips I wrote to my friend:



I remember one time I was showing a C# developer something on my machine, and I split emacs screen showing two files, one of them is Julia and other is C#. He was surprised that my “version of Visual Studio” can run programming language other than C#. He didn’t have the basic understanding that anything is just a text than can be compiled by a command, and edit by a text editor. He never questioned himself how things like Visual Studio even work.

I seek refuge in God, from Satan the rejected. Generated by: Emacs 31.0.50 (Org mode 9.7.19). Written by: Salih Muhammed, by the date of: 2023-07-12 Wed 22:40. Last build date: 2025-01-07 Tue 16:37.